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The American Curriculum

Dome International Schools strictly follows CCSS and NGSS standards for the American Curriculum.

CCSS are comprised of two sets of standards. Both share the goal of preparing high school graduates with the math and English skills they will be expected to possess in college and their careers.

The English language arts/literacy standards focus on reading, writing, language, and speaking and listening skills that grow increasingly complex at each grade level. They also emphasize mastery of these skills within real-world contexts. As such, the standards incorporate literacy expectations for history/social studies and science/technical subject matter.

The Common Core math standards outline both the mathematical concepts learners should learn at each grade level, along with practical math skills. This means that, in addition to mastering important mathematical subjects such as algebra or geometry, learners must demonstrate mathematical practices such as problem-solving, reasoning, and modeling.
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NGSS outline the science learners should learn at each grade level from kindergarten through high school. The standards comprise three elements:
Core scientific subject matter,
Engineering and scientific skills needed to practically apply academic knowledge,
Crosscutting concepts that are fundamental to all areas of science.
NGSS is structured around performance expectations for each grade level, each of which outlines the three components, along with ideas on how to tie in elements of the Common Core State Standards.
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