
We have an outstanding visual Art program at Dome. Learners can opt from wide varieties of Artwork such as Drawing, Painting, and Digital art. Learners often participate in different Art completions. An Art gallery takes places once a year to showcase learners Artwork.

After school club

Learners who like Artwork can join afterschool Art club to explore their creative Art abilities in an Art workshop that is equipped with the tools to help learners explore their Art potential

Plan and details

The Art program at Dome contains a Digital Art path which is taught within our  ICT curriculum as part of our learning across-subjects scheme

Daily menu signs are posted at the beginning of all meal lines. Items offered as a part of lunch are listed within the grain, protein, milk, fruit and vegetable spaces on the menu board.

Daily menu signs are posted at the beginning of all meal lines.
Items offered as a part of lunch are listed within the grain, protein, milk, fruit and vegetable spaces on the menu board.