A Levels

Cambridge Advanced Levels (16-19 years) where a number of subjects are offered to our learners at Cambridge international (AS/ A levels). The final level of studies, which lead to further education and selected career pathways. Learners are encouraged to fulfill their academic potential and apply the skills developed over their school career.

“We offer a coherent curriculum with clear progression at each stage, for learners aged 5 to 19. We identify clearly what we want learners to learn at each stage. At each stage, learners build on their previous learning – a ‘spiral approach’ that reinforces what students have learned, while at the same time taking them forward.”

Cambridge programmes are an excellent preparation for university and help learners succeed when they get to university. Reportedly, Cambridge leaners are best known to:

  • Think logically and are able to form ordered and coherent arguments
  • Be able to think critically
  • Be able to present reasoned explanations, understand implications and communicate them logically
  • Have in-depth knowledge of their subject.

As a Cambridge international school, we offer comprehensive education which not only builds learners’ linguistic knowledge and positively shapes their minds, but also covers social, religious, cultural, and sports development which are needed to prosper in today’s diverse society.

Thus, Dome takes pride in having a multicultural community of learners from all over the world. They all have different cultures, personalities, and backgrounds, but share one unique attribute: They are all Domers!

Dome is recognised as a Cambridge international school and a certified testing centre for IGCSE, AS, and A levels. Also, we offer a wide range of curricula in all Cambridge stages. Cambridge Primary checkpoint and Lower Secondary checkpoint skills are inclusively included in our Cambridge curriculum. Learners of IGCSE and A levels are offered various Cambridge subjects from which they can select their most preferred subjects for their future careers.

By choosing Dome, you are not choosing a school; you are choosing a community, that (replace – which) prioritizes learners’ knowledge; you are opting for an excellence-stimulus environment; you are entering a diverse world where respect and understanding are reciprocated.